SÌDH is a puzzle - plateformer game in which the player will be able to play as Balthazar Scott, a Scottish mouse trapped in an abandoned cave. By learning how to clone itself, the player will quickly realize that this cave was the setting of a peculiar event leading Scott the Mouse to recover mysterious soul stones and to advance in his quest to escape this underground hell.

This project was developed on Unity over 3 months with a team of four people.
My roles in the development :

Project Manager: Group work organization using Agile methodology, scheduling organization, Brainstorming facilitation, and ensuring communication within the team.

Lead Game Designer: Documentation, Gameplay Design, Brainstorming, Design 3Cs and RGD (Rational Game Design).

3D Game Art : Documentation (flowcharts, concept arts, iterations), menu concepts.

QA Testing : Creation of test protocols, QA testing, bug reporting, and writing reports.

Art Direction: Documentation, mood boards and Game Design Document Layout.

Level Design: Level conception, Testing, and Documentation (Level Design).

Sound Design : Sound Creation & voice recording

*Documentation in French only
**La charte Technique et certaines parties de la charte graphiques et Level Design ont été produits par Hadrien Verrecchia, Erwann Messoah et Marius Macheret

As Lead Game Designer, my main job was to make the concept of cloning as interesting and "fun" as possible while maintaining the narrative aspect we wanted to bring to this game.
The final concept of the main feature is to have multiple clones that can be recorded onto "slots" and replay the character's movements in a loop until that recording is overwritten by a new one. By utilizing this loop, the challenge of desynchronization arises, adding a new layer of difficulty to the game. This desynchronization also introduces a new critical state within the gameplay.
Project Management

Using the Agile method, I structured the production phase into 1-week sprints to ensure rapid communication of ideas and consistent updates on the team’s progress. These short sprints allowed for flexibility, quick iteration, and frequent feedback, helping us adapt efficiently to any challenges or changes in direction. Throughout each sprint, I took responsibility for organizing brainstorming sessions, ensuring that all members contributed their ideas and insights in a collaborative environment.
I also scheduled subsequent meetings, carefully planning tasks for the next sprint, and maintaining clear timelines. Additionally, I regularly updated the group’s Kanban board, tracking the progress of tasks and ensuring that priorities were visible to everyone. This system aligned the team, with clear visibility on what was being worked on, what was completed, and what was upcoming. This method allowed us to stay on top of deadlines and respond to any blockers swiftly, making the workflow smooth and efficient.
3D Art
Une fois le thème et l'ambiance voulu validé par toute l'équipe, je me suis penché sur la réalisation des différents assets du jeu après avoir mené des recherches sur l'Ecosse et ses coutumes. J'ai visité des musées et me suit inspirée de nombreux objets de l'époque afin de les retransmettre dans les jeux comme des pièces à motifs celtique se trouvant au musée Kelvin Grove à Glasgow ou encore un portail datant de 1200 retrouver en Ecosse et se trouvant actuellement à la collection Burrel.

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